
Archive: August 27th, 2006

Genetic Image goes Live!

[Genetic Image] (08.27.06, 10:46 am)

Genetic Image is a project that I started in the mid fall of 2005. The project is partly a revamping of Karl Sims’ “Genetic Images” project from way back when in 1994.

My version is implemented on Java and can run happily on your computer, provided you have an up-to-date JRE. It also employs type-based equation building. The fundamental unit of Genetic Image is a function, which takes some types as inputs, and returns another type as its output. There are well over 500 functions in Genetic Image, which can produce a vast variety of different results.

Icosilune relaunched

[General] (08.27.06, 10:36 am)

icosilune.com has been cleared and re-deployed.

What you see here is the latest redesign of this website. It often winds up happening every so often, as the work needed to update the site becomes so great that, it is, in fact, less work to do a full scale redesign than to update.

This new website is also being slightly reappropriated as well. The goals for the site are slightly different, it is less of a personal website and more of a project repository and research journal now. This will give me some incentive to work with some regular small updates and less of the big honking variety.